Dr. Janugade’s

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation in Thane & Navi Mumbai

Constipation can be the stringency of bowel movements that can cause discomfort and bloating, resulting in many other related complications. According to the theory of Ayurveda, constipation is categorized under the Vata dosha. In Thane and Navi Mumbai, we at Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Clinic provide remarkable non-pharmacological solutions to cure erratic digestion problems. This research looks at how Ayurveda treats constipation. Ayurveda is about knowing the real cause and eliminating and preventing it through purification or cleansing, proper diet, medications, and the correct lifestyle. Shamana chikitsa or Panchakarma therapies are also used to clean the digestive tract and maintain the doshas.

Essential Ayurvedic Treatments for Constipation

Virechana (Purgation Therapy)

This detoxification process expels toxins called ama from the digestive system, helping with general bowel movements and treating constipation.

Abhyanga (Oil Massage)

A full-body oil treatment session is relaxing and beneficial for blood circulation and digestive organs.

Basti (Medicated Enema)

Herbal oils or decoctions of Basti therapy are applied to eliminate toxins and soften the intestinal tract, facilitating easy bowel movements.

Herbal Remedies

Different natural herbs, such as Triphala, Haritaki, and Isabgol, basically psyllium husks, are used to alleviate digestion issues, soften Burnett stools, and support bowel movements.
Self-generated treatment plans given at Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Clinic are very safe and effective for enduring a constipation remedy targeting every person’s needs. Learn the ways Ayurveda can help you reach better digestion and better health.

Contributing Factors of Constipation

Constipation is a condition where feces are hard to pass through the intestines frequently. It can stem from different physical and/or dietary changes and may also affect an individual’s lifestyle. That is why constipation can be effectively controlled and prevented by recognizing these contributing factors.
Poor Dietary Habits
Foods with little fiber and high in processed foods with fats and sugars or lack adequate exercise diminish the frequency of bowel movements. Fewer fruits, vegetables, and whole grains disrupt the stool measure and frequency.
This causes gut shrinkage; constipation is viable since hard stools cannot be quickly passed out. Lack of adequate water intake is an unhealthy sign since it affects the body’s normal digestion process.
Lack of exercise decreases the movement of the bowels and, hence, the congestion of feces. Inactivity leads to loss of tone in the abdominal wall muscles, which is supposed to be in addition to constipation.
Stress and anxiety also cause hormonal imbalances that affect regular bowel movements, causing irregular bowel movements. Chronic stress impacts the brain and gut and alters the operation of the brain-gut axis, which is typically responsible for digestion.
Bowel movements usually have a regular rhythm, but excessively preventing oneself from defecating may inconvenience this rhythm. This behavior may make the stool hard, and consequently, the passing of stool becomes a painful experience.
Some drugs include painkillers, antacids, and antidepressants; they include the bowel movement rate. Long-term use of laxatives also alters the regular bowel movement pattern in the human body.
Changes in hormonal levels stemming from pregnancy or menopause also make digestion very slow, thus leading to constipation.
Any health challenges, such as hypothyroidism, IBS, or diabetes, may also lead to chronic constipation. Mental illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease or maybe Spinal injuries are also likely to affect the Bowel movement.
Constipation is, therefore, manageable and preventable if the factors above are controlled through food modification, adequate water intake, exercise, and Ayurvedic remedies.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for Constipation

The age-old remedy of Panchakarma, the Ayurvedic process, has proven to bring a vast improvement while curing chronic constipation, owing to its adequate look at the potential causes. At Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Thane and Navi Mumbai, we prescribe Panchakarma to eliminate toxins from the body, rebalance dosha, and perform bowel movements in natural health treatment.

Key Panchakarma Therapies for Constipation

Virechana (Purgation Therapy)

A specific method of purification involves the elimination of toxins within the colon and or excess pitta. It may facilitate the regulation of and prevent excessive constipation and is an effective remedy for chronic constipation.

Basti (Medicated Enema)

A moderate therapy where special oils or concoctions are introduced into the rectum, commonly rexed by a Doctor of Oriental medicine. It moistens the lining of the intestines, reduces inflammation, and smoothes out the bowels.

Abhyanga (Oil Massage)

A warmed herbal oil massage all over the body has an effect on circulation and the digestive system. Stress is a major cause of constipation; it also helps to relax the muscles in your abdomen.


An aromatherapy technique where warm effleurage oils are carried on the forehead in a slow figure-eight motion. It enhances the signal transformation between the brain and the gut, helping with digestion if stressed.

Herbal Remedies

Triphala, Haritaki, and Isabgol are recommended to restore normal bowel movements and improve the digestion system naturally.
These remedies are safe, non-addictive, and have the capability of offering a permanent cure. Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments are a cure for constipation and much more. A sound body is a sound mind.

Who Should Consider Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation?

Constipation ayurvedic therapy is appropriate for people who would prefer a non-pharmacological approach to processing digestive problems. They address the doshas of the body and promote digestive health without causing any harm.

Chronic Constipation patients

Suppose one has struggled with constipation for a long time. In that case, it means that bowel movements will probably be sparse or hard, which is why Ayurvedic treatments and therapies involving Panchakarma, as well as herbal treatments, are the answer.

People with digestive issues

Signs like distention, pain, or constipation may be relieved by the Ayurveda concept of detoxification and improving the digestive fire (Agni).

Self-medication as a Way of Working towards Natural Cures

Ayurveda could be a relief for those people who do not want to use chemist products and prefer natural choices such as Triphala and Basti (suppository medications).

Constipation as a Result of Stress

Most people get stressed and anxious, and that affects the gut. Panchakarma therapies such as Shirodhara and Abhyanga reduce stress and enhance communication between the brain and gut.

Patients with Lifestyle-Related Digestive Issues

Modern man has taken to a couch potato lifestyle and poor dietary habits, contributing to constipation. Ayurvedic interventions are long-term and include changes in lifestyle, diet, and treatment use.

Patients with Co-Morbid Conditions

Contemporary patients with certain diseases such as IBS, hypothyroidism, or pregnancy-induced constipation can be prescribed individual Ayurvedic therapies.
Constipation can be treated effectively in Ayurveda without having any side effects, which is why Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Thane and Navi Mumbai health care clinic treats constipation patients of all age groups with specific health planning for constipation cure along with general health improvement.

Why Choose Our Ayurvedic Clinic for Constipation in Thane & Navi Mumbai?

Being an Ayurvedic Clinic at Dr. Janugade’s, we offer a separate and comprehensive line of cures for this disease, which is Constipation. Instead, we are concerned with solving the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. Eradicated by a team of professionals, we are dedicated to providing solutions that will improve your digestive system by offering Ayurvedic treatments and herbal products, in addition to alterations in diet & regimen.

To write the advice, contact Expert Ayurvedic Practitioners.

The clinic is run by Dr. Janugade, who has several years of experience in the Ayurveda method, especially focusing on gastrointestinal diseases. We guarantee safe and secure therapies targeted for a given patient.

A threefold strategy of Diagnosis, Further diagnosis (Evaluation) and Treatment.

The consultation gives us the ability to discover the cause of your constipation, such as food, stress, or a medical problem. Here, we offer Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments & herbs for long-term results that give you complete healing.

Authentic Ayurvedic Therapies

A range of germless standard treatments: Virechana is the treatment intended for the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tracts of toxins; Basti is the treatment employed for the cleaning of all channels throughout the body; Abhyanga aims to advance the digestive system. All treatments for the patients are done under supervision in order to observe the outcome and also the side effects.

Focus on Holistic Healing

We focus on the regulation of the body’s doshas, stimulation of digestion, and the improvement of metabolism. Our program is a three-pronged approach to diet, stress management, and detoxification

Proper customer care and cleanliness of the place.

As for the treatment conditions, we pay much attention to cleanliness and comfort to provide our guests with a comfortable procedure.

Post-Treatment Support

The rest of our medical staff remains available after the treatment and offers a healthy diet and lifestyle recommendations for good digestion.
If you suffer from constipation, go to Dr. Janugade’s Ayurvedic Clinic for something more than relief from the ailment. It creates a possibility of achieving stronger and healthy living in the future.

Lifestyle Modifications to Treat Constipation Along with Panchakarma Solution

Even though Virechana and Basti are suggested for detox and to cure a constipation issue, it is equally important to follow a correct way of life to continue to remain healthy. Here are some lifestyle changes that can complete Ayurvedic therapies
Eat a Fiber-Rich Diet
Start using more whole grain products, fresh fruits, vegetables, especially the green leafy types, and legumes in your meals. Fiber swells and commercial bulk to the stools allow it to pass through the inner lining of the intestines easily.
Ensure you take about 8-10 glasses of water daily to avoid stool becoming hard. Drinking warm water with a little lemon in the morning can help kick-start digestion.
Yoga, brisk walking, or light cardio exercises should be taken to enhance the movement of the bowels. Pawanmuktasana and Bhujangasana are two Yoga postures that are very effective in maintaining the health of the stomach.
This also helps to maintain proper meal timings for the regulation of digestive rhythm. Do not eat in the evening or go for long intervals between meals to also not interfere with digestion.
Limit meals that have high amounts of refined sugars, processed snack items, and fried foods, which are known to inhibit digestion. Select natural and fresh foods as they help with a healthy gut.
Minimize stress because, most of the time, it leads to constipation; practice mindfulness, meditation, or breathing exercises. Such treatment availabilities include Shirodhara, which helps support the brain-gut axis.
Aids such as Triphala and Isabgol facilitate normal bowel movement without causing any side effects to the body. Always talk to your Ayurvedic doctor regarding the right amount to be taken
Aim to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep to maintain metabolic and digestive processes in your body.
Incorporation of these lifestyle changes with Panchakarma provides an easy, proper, and complete cure
for constipation and for maintaining a healthy life.


What are the main causes of constipation?
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