Dr. Janugade’s

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

DR. Archana Janugade

BAMS (Bombay)

Dr. Archana Janugade is an Ayurvedic expert renowned for her specialisation in Ayurvedic Panchakarma. With 24 years of experience and having obtained her BAMS degree from Podar Government Ayurvedic Medical College in Mumbai, Dr. Janugade has established a strong foundation in the field with her hard work and dedication. Her daughter, Dr. Shriya Janugade (BAMS), now embarking on an MBA journey and preparing for MD, is following in her esteemed mother’s footsteps. Dr. Janugade’s selfless efforts have garnered prestigious recognition and she has been awarded the following:

  • Social Work in Medical in 2007
  • Maharashtra Journalists Foundation best doctor in Ayurveda Award 2010
  • Shiv Sanman Samaj Bhushan Award 2014
  • Zee 24 Tass Arogya Sanman award 2019

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DR. Archana Janugade Ayurvedic Treatment Specialist

Understanding PCOD/PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD), are two stages of a common hormonal disorder found in females of reproductive age. In this condition, the female may suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, excess androgen levels, and ovulation irregularities. PCOD/PCOS not only affects a female’s reproductive system but also impacts other bodily functions. This condition has a severe metabolic impact and can also lead to psychological issues. Understanding the multifaceted nature of PCOS and PCOD is necessary for its effective treatment. PCOS is considered as a more serious condition whereas PCOD can be reversed or managed with lifestyle modifications and prompt treatment.

In PCOD, multiple small cysts develop in the ovaries, these cysts are actually follicles where eggs develop. In PCOD, these follicles fail to develop, causing hormonal imbalance.

PCOS, on the other hand, consists of more than just the presence of cysts. It comes with other symptoms of hormonal imbalance.


Key Characteristics of PCOD/PCOS

Women suffering from PCOD or PCOS often experience irregular periods. This simply means the cycle may be infrequent, unpredictable, or absent. This irregularity is because of a hormonal imbalance.

Heightened levels of androgens can lead to issues like acne and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). These symptoms can also have a distressing impact on one’s self-esteem and overall body image.

PCOD and PCOS can interfere with the ovulation, which can lead to difficulties in conceiving. These irregularities can also lead to ovarian cysts.

Hormonal imbalance often leads to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. Obesity is quite common in women suffering from PCOD or PCOS.

Many women with PCOD or PCOS have insulin resistance. In this case, the cells fail to respond to insulin properly. This also increases the rise of type 2 diabetes.

Unwanted hair growth, an irregular menstrual cycle, and acne can cause serious emotional distress to a female. The challenges associated with PCOS and PCOD can also lead to anxiety and depression.

At our Ayurvedic Panchakarma centre, we have a comprehensive treatment plan for PCOD and PCOS. Our Panchakarma treatment for PCOD and PCOS is customised as per the individual’s overall health condition. We create personalised treatment plans for our patients depending on their health goals and concerns to ensure they get the desired results.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

Panchakarma therapies are designed to treat the root of the problem. These therapies aim to eliminate toxins from the body, improve digestion and metabolism, and promote overall well-being. Our body contains three doshas, namely, Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, and Panchakarma treatment regulates these doshas to treat various health concerns. 

In this procedure, the excess Pitta dosha is eliminated from the body through the bowels. Virechana therapy helps in improving liver function, enhancing metabolism, and promoting hormonal balance. Intake of certain Ayurvedic medications may be prescribed for this procedure.

This therapeutic enema procedure works towards nourishing the body tissues and balancing the Vata dosha. Basti therapy involves the use of herbal enemas to nourish, lubricate, and rejuvenate the body. With the help of this therapy, it is possible to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce inflammation in the reproductive organs, and improve ovarian function.

Naysa therapy involves the administration of medicated oils and herbal preparations into the nasal passages to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. This helps balance the Kapha dosha and improves respiratory function. Females suffering from anxiety and stress because of PCOD or PCOS can benefit from this because it also helps promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic oil massage that involves the application of warm herbal oils, followed by gentle massage strokes. This massage technique helps nourish the tissues, improves blood circulation, and promotes relaxation and detoxification. Regular abhyanga supports hormonal regulation and reduces stress levels, which helps in treating PCOD and PCOS. The massage technique also improves overall pelvic function and supports reproductive health.

At our Ayurvedic Panchakarma centre, we focus on both Panchakarma therapies and lifestyle modifications so that patients get the best results.


Shaman Chikitsa

The Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS/PCOD also involves Shaman Chikitsa, which simply means the use of Ayurvedic herbs. We use these herbs after a careful examination of the patient. These herbs have no side effects and are safe and effective.


Shatapushpa or fennel seeds are used in the Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD and PCOS. This herb helps bring down inflammation in the body and also controls insulin resistance.

Commonly known as aloe vera, Kumari is extremely beneficial in treating PCOD and PCOS because it helps regulate the menstrual cycle. The herb also helps in improving skin conditions and other inflammatory conditions.

Guduchi is an anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic herb that helps treat ovarian cysts and controls insulin imbalance. This herb rejuvenates the body and promotes overall wellness.

Shatavari has hormone-balancing properties. It supports the overall ovarian function and regulates menstrual function. Shatavari is also known to improve fertility.

For women who experience stress because of PCOD or PCOS, Ashwagandha can be of great help. Ashwagandha also supports thyroid function and regulates the menstrual cycle.

Lifestyle Modifications to Treat PCOD/PCOS Along with Panchakarma Treatment

For more details on Panchakarma treatment costs for PCOS and PCOD and procedure inquiries, get in touch with our ayurvedic expert.

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