Dr. Janugade’s

Nasya: An Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinusitis

DR. Archana Janugade

BAMS (Bombay)

Dr. Archana Janugade is an Ayurvedic expert renowned for her specialisation in Ayurvedic Panchakarma. With 24 years of experience and having obtained her BAMS degree from Podar Government Ayurvedic Medical College in Mumbai, Dr. Janugade has established a strong foundation in the field with her hard work and dedication. Her daughter, Dr. Shriya Janugade (BAMS), now embarking on an MBA journey and preparing for MD, is following in her esteemed mother’s footsteps. Dr. Janugade’s selfless efforts have garnered prestigious recognition and she has been awarded the following:

  • Social Work in Medical in 2007
  • Maharashtra Journalists Foundation best doctor in Ayurveda Award 2010
  • Shiv Sanman Samaj Bhushan Award 2014
  • Zee 24 Tass Arogya Sanman award 2019

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DR. Archana Janugade Ayurvedic Treatment Specialist

Understanding Sinusitis

In simple terms, sinus happens because of hollow cavities in the brain that are connected to the nasal passages. These cavities, known as sinuses, are walled with a layer that produces mucus to trap and eliminate dust, pollutants, and microorganisms. When this layer becomes inflamed or infected, it leads to the condition of sinusitis, commonly known as sinus. In Ayurveda, sinus is seen as a disorder that is caused due to the imbalance in the kapha dosha, which is related to the function of mucus production, fluid retention, and the body’s lubrication systems. Ayurveda therapies for sinus allergies focus on balancing the doshas.

Causes of Sinusitis in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the causes of sinus are often linked to lifestyle and dietary factors that disturb the dosha balance. Some common causes include:

Regular exposure to damp and cold weather can aggravate the kapha dosha, which increases the chances of sinus allergies.

Excessive consumption of cold, heavy, and oily foods can aggravate the kapha dosha. This is one of the causes of developing sinus allergies.

Lack of exercise, irregular sleep patterns, and exposure to environmental pollutants can disturb all three doshas namely, kapha, vata, and pitta, leading to sinus issues.

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of sinusitis, this condition can also be triggered by a weak immune system, chronic stress, overuse of medications, exposure to pollen, and dehydration.

Ayurveda has several healing therapies and treatments for different ailments and conditions. One such branch of ayurveda is Panchakarma. Panchakarma is an ayurvedic system of detoxification. It consists of five detoxification therapies that are known to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of accumulated toxins and balance the doshas. The five therapies in the Panchakarma process work in harmony to purify and rejuvenate the body. 

As we all know, our body has three doshas, namely Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. These three doshas control and impact the various bodily functions in our system. All in all, balancing the doshas is the key to maintaining optimal health. Panchakarma therapies target the imbalanced doshas and treat the health problems from their core.

What is Nasya Ayurvedic Treatment?

Nasya is one of the key Panchakarma therapies that focuses on the nasal passages. These nasal passages are a gateway to the head, brain, and consciousness in ayurveda. Nasya helps clear out the toxins blocking the nasal passages.

As per ayurveda, the nose is a direct passage to the brain and the rest of the head. Thus, nasya therapy is not just beneficial for sinusitis but also for a variety of other issues like headaches, migraines, allergies, and mental stress. The therapeutic oils used in the nasya treatment help clean, detoxify, and nourish the nasal tissues, improving the overall respiratory function and overall health.

How Does Nasya Treatment Work?

The medical oils used in the nasya treatment have decongestant properties that clear out the excess mucus, toxins, and impurities trapped in the nasal passages and sinuses.

Sinusitis often causes inflammation in the sinus cavities. This can lead to pain, pressure, and discomfort. The anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs and oils used in the nasya treatment can soothe the sinuses and reduce swelling.

With clear nasal passages and reduced inflammation, patients often experience improved breathing and less sinus pressure.

At Dr Janugade’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Centre, we follow a patient-centric approach, wherein we provide tailored treatment plans as per your ailments and overall health condition. Our therapists will work closely with you to understand your needs and health requirements. 


The Nasya Procedure

The nasya treatment procedure is simple and involves a few steps:

Before starting with the procedure, the patient’s head, face, and neck are massaged. This relaxes the muscles and is more like a preparation for the treatment.

Once the patient is ready, medicated oils with herbs are prepared for the therapy. The patient in this process is supposed to lie down and deeply inhale the steam from these oils.

Once the inhalation process is complete, the patient rests in a relaxed position for a few minutes. This allows the oils to fully penetrate into the nasal passages and begin the cleansing process.

In the last step, gargling with warm water or herbal decoctions may follow to clear out the excess residual mucus from the throat. Post the treatment process, the patient must stay away from cold air and dust.

If you are looking for an effective way to treat sinusitis, then nasya therapy is the perfect solution. Moreover, this panchakarma therapy is non-invasive and free from side effects too. Visit our centre today for more information on ayurveda nasya treatment. Let us guide you through the healing power of Panchakarma. 

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