Exploring Infertility, Possible Causes and Panchakarma Cure
Infertility may be caused by several factors in the male or female reproductive systems. However, it is occasionally very complicated to explain what are the main causes of infertility. There are two kinds of infertility – primary and secondary Primary infertility is caused when the couple has never conceived. Secondary infertility means the couple had experienced pregnancy and failed to develop later. Globally, most infertile couples suffer from primary infertility. Sexually transmitted infections are the leading preventable cause of infertility, causing 70% of the case of pelvic inflammatory diseases liable for tubal damage. Low fertility is becoming more common worldwide, particularly in many urban settings where women plan their first babies at older ages. Infertility can be caused by both men’s and women’s factors. In the remaining cases, infertility may be due to problems in both partners, or the cause is unclear.
Damage to fallopian tubes: Damage to the fallopian lines can prevent contact between the egg and sperm. Pelvic inflammatory diseases caused by various infections, endometriosis, and pelvic surgery may damage fallopian pipes. Sexually transmitted infections are the common cause of PIDs. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of female infertility in most cases. PCOS interferes with regular ovulation. Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea: Excessive physical or emotional stress may result in amenorrhoea. Diminished ovarian reserve or premature aging: women with a diminished ovarian reserve may experience difficulty conceiving. Premature ovarian insufficiency: It mostly when a female reaches the age of 40 then ovaries stop working. More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, or both. Sperm abnormalities include: Asthenospermia: If 60% or more sperms have abnormal motility, it is termed asthenospermia and may cause infertility.
Panchakarma therapies show the great result in the treatment of infertility for both cases of female infertility and subfertility ( they are caused by the various conditions of PCOS ) it can be treated with the help of the Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies especially when done with the right time ( for the patients below the age of 35 years ) Panchakarma is highly effective on these patients without any structural deformities in the reproductive system panchakarma therapies have the high rates of success in these of females fertility or infertility. For the patients who are suffering from PCOS or any hormonal imbalance like metabolic imbalance (PCOD).
Uttara basti is the procedure which is mainly used for INFERTILITY/PCOD/PCOS due to which the restores regular menstrual cycle, helps in removal of tubal blockage, helps in nourishment of the uterus, and removes doshas which increases the chances of conceiving.
Virechana therapy is very effective in these patients as it is a cleansing procedure and detoxifying therapy which helps in removing the imbalances inside the female body that triggers the massive metabolic imbalance as well as the hormonal imbalance in most infertility cases in females it helps in detoxifying the many harmful effects of various medications which can clog the liver and kidneys of the body. Through this therapy, the body can have a new start totally fresh start.
Basti is another one of the best therapies of panchakarma. it is the enema therapy in that ayurvedic oils and medication act as enemas, unlike other enemas which are used just to evacuate the colon, it is a very effective revered ayurvedic therapy in which the colon is believed to be the very rich organ for circulation. By bypassing digestion by depositing the medicine directly inside the colon which gets absorbed and gives high rates of success and gives a quicker result that is why the in the cases of colon panchakarma highly recommends this therapy.
What causes infertility?
Infertility may be caused by a number of different factors, in either the male or female reproductive systems. However, it is sometimes not possible to explain the causes of infertility.
Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
There are two kinds of infertility – primary and secondary:
Primary infertility means that the couple has never conceived. Secondary infertility means that the couple has experienced a pregnancy before and failed to conceive later. Globally, most infertile couples suffer from primary infertility.
Sexually transmitted infections are the leading preventable cause of infertility by causing 70% of pelvic inflammatory diseases responsible for tubal damage. Low fertility is becoming more common worldwide, particularly in many urban settings where women are planning their first babies at older ages.
The inability to have children affects couples and causes emotional and psychological distress in both men and women. Despite the various social, psychological, economic and physical implications, infertility prevention and care often remain neglected public health issues, or at least they rank low on the priority list, especially for low-income countries that are already under population pressure. But in recent years there is increased awareness to integrate infertility prevention, care and treatment into the basic health care services.
Female infertility
For a woman, infertility can manifest itself as either:
- the inability to become pregnant
- an inability to maintain a pregnancy
- an inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.
Infertility can be caused by both men and women factors. About a third of infertility problems are due to female infertility and another third are due to male infertility. In remaining cases infertility may be due to problems in both partners or the cause is unclear.
Female infertility can be caused by a number of factors
- Damage to fallopian tubes: Damage to the fallopian tubes (carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) can prevent contact between the egg and sperm. Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) caused by various infections, endometriosis, pelvic surgery may lead to damage to fallopian tubes. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the common cause of PIDs.
- Disturb ovarian function/hormonal causes: Synchronized hormonal changes occur during the menstrual cycle leading to the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation) and the thickening of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) in preparation for the fertilized egg (embryo) to implant inside the uterus. Difficulty in ovulation is seen in following conditions
Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the common cause of female infertility. PCOS interferes with normal ovulation.
- Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea: Excessive physical (common in athletes) or emotional stress may result in amenorrhoea (absence of periods).
- Diminished ovarian reserve or premature ovarian aging: women with diminished ovarian reserve may experience difficulty in conceiving, (though blood test will show elevated follicular stimulating hormones).
- Premature ovarian insufficiency: Female ovaries stop working before she is 40 years of age. The cause can be natural or it can be a disease, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
- Uterine causes: Abnormal anatomy of the uterus; the presence of polyps and fibroids may lead to infertility.
- Cervical causes: A small group of women may have a cervical condition in which the sperm cannot pass through the cervical canal due to abnormal mucus production or a prior cervical surgical procedure.